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SC2217 Sociology of Tourism Review


Updated: Aug 8, 2020

Semester: AY18/19 Sem II

Professor(s): Maribeth Erb

Workload: Manageable

Overall: I honestly wanted to love this module so much. And in a way I did, I think the readings about the tourist gaze and all were really interesting and I enjoyed them. I can never see tourism in the same way again. Sadly, what the module did not do so well in was the lectures. Prof Erb is a really nice lady but she does not teach well at all  But I would still say that the module was overall a decently interesting experience (we got to watch movies/videos in class and even got to go on a monster day tour FOC)! Though I think you should tamper your expectations when it comes to teaching.

Assignments: There were 3 CA components for this module. One was a reflection on one of the films shown in class the second assignment was a reflection on the Monstor Day Tour we went on during recess week. The 3rd CA component was a group presentation in tutorial. I don’t remember group presentation being a bad experience. I had decent groupmates that worked well together.

Exams: There was only a final exam for this module. I remember the exams being rather manageable. I did my readings for this course so it was not too painful. It was 2 essays if I remember correctly.

Professor(s): Prof Erb is really nice like I said above but her slides are bordering on atrocious. Her weekly powerpoints are around 7 slides long but each slide is so jam packed with words that you probably won’t know where to look if you just saw them. In fact, even after I went for lecture, I still don’t use the slides to revise as it was just so confusing. Prof Erb can also be rather monotonous and tend to speak in circles so I didn’t really know what she was getting at. She also tended to not be able to finish her slides.

Tutorials: I had Mr Jauhari as my tutor. He is a rather friendly guy and also more lively than Prof Erb. I remember him explaining certain concepts better than Prof Erb during tutorials. He was also prompt to answer my email questions. I remember him being quite funny too.

Recommend? This is tricky as I really enjoyed the readings but really did not like lectures. I would say to take the course if you want to learn more about this fascinating topic but do not take it for the teaching. I definitely learnt something from this mod and it gave me a new lens to look at tourism!


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